Sunday, August 2, 2009

Reunion News

It is hard to believe that the reunion is just days away, and I know that I am looking forward to spending time with old friends. There are probably many questions about the details of the reunion events and we hope to have those questions answered with itineraries for both nights that will be emailed(reunion dinner) and posted on here (family picnic). Please be sure to check your emails in the next couple days.

We also have NINE spots still available for the reunion dinner, so anyone who would still like to purchase tickets, just follow the link on the left. If you have any questions or concerns about buying tickets, please contact me at Anyone who purchases tickets this last week, will have to use their PayPal receipt as entrance as we will not be making anymore tickets.

We are still looking for monetary donations and any help with getting prizes for the raffle. The ultimate goal behind the prize drawings is to raise money for future reunions as we started from scratch this time around.

Please continue to check back here for any important announcements throughout this week.

Thank you for all your support. Please contact me with any questions,


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