Friday, September 25, 2009

Post Reunion News

There are a few things I needed to spread the word about in regards to our awesome reunion.

Joe Salmond is currently working on finishing up the reunion video, however, he has yet to receive any new pictures. If you would like to send in pictures from high school, the family picnic or the reunion dinner please do so. You can upload them to this main Northridge page or you can email them to and I will get them over to Joe. If anyone has a really nice group picture of the reunion dinner, please send it to me. We are asking that all pictures be sent by next Friday the 2nd of October. At that time, Joe will finish the DVD and we will get copies made and mailed out to those that have purchased one. If you wanted a copy but havent bought one, you can still buy one on the blog for $10.

From our records, we had atleast 14 people who showed up to the reunion dinner who did not buy tickets. If you were one of those people, please contact me so we can get things squared away. We understand with the excitement and seeing everyone that this may have been overlooked, but it is important that if you attended you buy a ticket.

With that being said, we are still and will continue to accept donations to our NHS Reunion Fund. We may be starting from scratch for the next reunion which I would like to avoid. Im thinking Vegas for the next one!

We will continue to keep the blog going and make periodic posts, so check back often. If we ever plan another event or a get together that involves our class, we will post that info there.I again want to thank everyone who helped, attended and supported Amy and I in this endeavor. It was a wonderful two days to spend with old friends and make new ones. I wish you all the best.

Go Knights!

Music Hits from 1998